The chamber of quest choosing

The Quest 2.2: Introduction

By Keith McDonald

Introduction to Volume 2, Issue 2 of The Quest, Official Newsletter of the Knightmare Adventurers Club.

A sketch of Treguard by Andrea Barber for The Quest, the Official Newsletter of the Knightmare Adventurers Club. Volume 2, Issue 2.
Treguard, by Andrea Barber

[Our favourite KAC artist Andrea Barber (Memb. No 97) has sent in this brilliant picture of Treguard so we thought we'd print it on the front cover instead of the usual photograph.]

What a great response to my plea for budding artists - I have had so many drawings, cartoons and jokes from you that I have decided to set up a page especially to show them off! Page 7 shall, from henceforth, be known as the Knightmare Ghoul's Gallery. Any one whose work is printed in the gallery will receive a personal thank you from Treguard (so no unflattering drawings of the Dungeon Master please!)

Since the new series hit the screens we have had lots of requests for an adult version of Knightmare and quite a few of our members have asked for the programme to be repeated. If you have any other opinions about the programme, write to The Commissioning Editor, and I will make sure that he gets to see them.

We have all our regular features in this issue of TQ along with an exclusive interview with the Dungeon Master himself and some pictures from the set of Cyberzone. As usual, Arlo Worts has come up trumps with our Smirk with Smirkenorff cartoon and we have a story written by one of our most avid fans, Paul McIntosh - so, as you can see, there's lots to tide you over until the next series. 'Til then, Power to the Powers that Be!

Wilf Wright, Editor

Smirk with Smirkenorff by Arlo Worts

A cartoon by Arlo Worts for The Quest, the Official Newsletter of the Knightmare Adventurers Club. Volume 2, Issue 2.

This issue's Honorary member is Michaela Strachan. As you may remember in the last issue, Tommy Boyd chose Michaela as the first member of his team if he were to appear on Knightmare. When I spoke to her recently she was delighted to be offered honorary membership and is practicing walking around with a bucket on her head so that she can be the dungeoneer in Tommy's team!

Michaela Strachan, announced honorary member of The Quest, the Official Newsletter of the Knightmare Adventurers Club. Volume 2, Issue 2.

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