The picture card challenge from the early series of Knightmare.

Card Room

By Keith McDonald

This room with three exits was used for a card puzzle. Teams had to select a suit from a hybrid playing card to release the correct exit.

This unusual room was a cell with three exits and lots of small windows with bars. It was used for a card puzzle.

Once teams entered the room, several playing cards would cover the room. Sometimes Folly the Jester would summon the challenge.

Each exit is now covered by a picture card from a different suit. On the floor in the centre is a hybrid three, with symbols for each suit used on the exit cards.

A card puzzle, based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 2 of Knightmare (1988).

Dungeoneers had to stand on the symbol from the suit of the picture card they wanted to release. Teams would work this out from a clue they had already received.

The room was also used without cards. One team must unlock one of the doors with a key under pressure from the Automatum.

Look at the card on the floor, for surely it's a strange one.


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