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Book 6: The Dragon's Lair

By Nicholas Lam

"All sorcerers know the secret - Dragons must die for magic to live!" Details of the sixth Knightmare book, The Dragon's Lair.

When William discovers a figure trapped beneath the ice of a local pond, he plunges into a fantastic adventure in a wintery world. For Treguard, the powerful lord of Knightmare Castle, needs William's help in a dramatic quest - to save a newly-hatched dragon from a terrible fate at the hands of an evil wizard...

Read carefully, for as Treguard leads William through the dangers of an ice-locked kingdom, you too must prepare for the ultimate test - the monstrous puzzles and sorcery of ITV's award-winning game series, Knightmare.

Can Treguard help William reach the dragon before the evil wizard and his ally, the sinister Queen Aesandre? Can you?

Cover of book 6: The Dragon's Lair

The story

Troubled thirteen-year-old William tries to avoid his neighbour, Mr. Treguard, during a walk. He thinks he spots a drowning girl under an icy pond, and gets drawn in to medieval times and the reign of King Athelred. The girl was on a quest to ensure the safe hatching of a dragon, and now William must take her place. He must persuade Athelred to send reinforcements to help him against Caedmon, a wizard who wants to destroy the egg.

The game

Your quest is to recover the future king of England from a castle in the middle of the Lake of Wisps. You'll meet Gwendoline, Hordriss and Brother Mace on your route to the lake. Then, you'll need to find a way to cross, pass the gatemaster, and recover the infant King Arthur. In this game, your helmet, shield and lance all count as possessions. They can be lost or forfeit throughout the game, but they will offer various levels of protection for as long as you can keep them.

Next book: Lord Fear's Domain

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