The settlement of Holmgarth in Series 6 (1992).


By David Goldstein

A settlement introduced early in Series 6.

Familiar to Treguard but not to Pickle, the Dungeon Master advised Team 1 to be cautious. They found clue objects inside a house and - in a bending of Knightmare's code - dungeoneer Matt exited by going back the way he came.

Treguard's hints that Holmgarth was safe, neutral ground did not prevent Lord Fear making incursions there, from freezing to a giant hand.

While only named in Quest 1, Holmgarth was seen again. Team 4 found clue objects outside and Team 5 met the Dreadnort there.

The images and eyeshield footage of Holmgarth came from the reconstructed Iron Age roundhouse at the Chiltern Open Air Museum.

A border post that guards the way between fair paths and foul.


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