The Lion's Head, Ledge Challenge, from Series 3 of Knightmare. A narrow ledge is all that remains.

Lion's Head

By Keith McDonald

Teams might encounter one of two tricky challenges caused by laser beams from a lion's eyes. They required quick or careful guidance to escape.

This room always provided a real test of temperament and coordination.

Through an archway lies a room with tiled flooring and a single exit in the opposite wall. Above this exit is a lion.

The Lasers

One of the challenges is faster and more furious - to escape while the lion fires beams that disintegrate the floor.

This isn't too challenging if the dungeoneer is directly opposite the doorway and can cross the room without delay.

But some teams must collect food or a clue object from the side. This creates some alarm as they attempt to avoid the fast-emerging chasms.

The Lion's Head (laser challenge), based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 2 of Knightmare (1989).
Beams from the lion's head destroy the floor

The Ledge

In Series 3, teams might also face an alternative challenge. The beams from the lion's head leave a narrow pathway.

The Lion's Head (ledge challenge), based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on Series 3 of Knightmare (1989).
Only a narrow pathway remains

However, two of the tiles are only connected diagonally, creating an awkward juncture.

Teams might also be hurried by hauntings or tiles disappearing behind them. This causes one team to perish as they ignore the diagonal crossing.

This room was also favoured by the foreign adaptations of Knightmare, El Rescate Del Talismán and Le Chevalier du Labyrinthe.

The Lion's Head (ledge challenge), based on a handpainted scene by David Rowe, as shown on El Rescate del Talisman - the Spanish adaptation of Knightmare.
The ledge is created magically in El Rescate Del Talismán

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