The Night of the Doctor

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The Night of the Doctor

Post by Canadanne »

Have you guys seen the rather surprising new mini episode?
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Re: The Night of the Doctor

Post by wombstar »

Yeah, not much of a surprise, we knew about this months ago.
It's about time he came back, never liked the idea of him just being a one night stand Doctor.

Should have been a full episode, it was over before it Begin, and it does mean the only way we'll ever see him again is if they make a one off spin-off series and show some of his adventures.

Other than that a great intro the to nu-who anniversary.
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Re: The Night of the Doctor

Post by TimeMaster »

I really enjoyed this. It was especially great to see a nod back to the old series with the Keepers of the Flame. However, I would rather have seen Paul McGann's Doctor in the 50th anniversary special than John Hurt's.

Doesn't this also mean that Peter Capaldi will be the 13th Doctor? Am I right in thinking that the Doctor only has twelve regenerations / thirteen lives?
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Re: The Night of the Doctor

Post by wombstar »

Matt Smith is the last one.
John Hurt will count towards the limit but wont change the numbering as he didn't called himself Doctor, And Moff has hinted another regeneration was also used in the past (Handy/Human 10 doc) which makes Matt the last one.

Which means Peter Capaldi will be the start of a new set if regenerations. It seems fitting the 50th is done this way. celebrate the past but set up it's future.

I love the idea if adding the war doctor, none of the others would have done the deed, and as there was just a huge gap between 8 and 9 on tv anything could have happened during that time. It also seems they tried to get Chris back so Hurt could regenerated into 9, we will get two regenerations this year.. will they show a 3rd (Hurt-Chris?) I hope so.

This also makes the Big finish audios with Paul official, the first time their been acknowledge in the tv series. None of then contradict the tv series unlike many of the others, and I guess it's the only adventures we have of 8.
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Re: The Night of the Doctor

Post by TimeMaster »

Here's Steven Moffat's latest quote on the numbering of the doctors:

“I’ve been really, really quite careful about the numbering of the Doctors. He’s very specific, the John Hurt Doctor, that he doesn’t take the name of the Doctor. He doesn’t call himself that. He’s the same Time Lord, the same being as the Doctors either side of him, but he’s the one who says, ‘I’m not the Doctor.’ So the Eleventh Doctor is still the Eleventh Doctor, the Tenth Doctor is still the Tenth…”
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Re: The Night of the Doctor

Post by wombstar »

Yep. 11 doctors but he's had 13 lives (War doc, and human handy 10)
One week to go and all shall be revealed, I really hope it's worth the wait.

And I'm sure classic docs will be present in one form or another, everyone has been telling lies about their involvement, no way would they be left out on such a huge event.. no way am I a fan of the Moff but I'm sure he'll deliver when it really matters (despite a poor track record with big episodes)

It does mean however the ep may end with a reset button, other wise 10 will know who clara is and whole of series 7b would be then redundant.
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Re: The Night of the Doctor

Post by Drassil »

I was entirely surprised by The Night of the Doctor, not to mention very pleased. Even though a lot of it went over my head, such as the references to Karn and to the Eighth Doctor's audio companions, I still found it one of the best, most thought-provoking and sincerely awesome instalments of Doctor Who. If The Day of the Doctor doesn't deliver (and for various reasons I am cautious), there will always be this. Sci-fi that makes you go "wow" is the best kind, and this ironically named mini-episode wholetwoheartedly qualifies.

What made it even better was that I'd been thinking a lot about regeneration for a good couple of days beforehand. I was looking forward to the 14th of November being the anniversary of the episode of Mike & Angelo where Tim Whitnall replaced Tyler Butterworth in the role of Angelo: a regeneration in all but name. After seeing The Night of the Doctor, I checked when Screams of the Shalka, the 'official' Doctor Who web episode in which Paul McGann was discontinued as the Doctor, had started. It turns out to have been ten years and one day earlier. And as if that weren't enough, November the 14th is also Paul McGann's birthday.

Although there's a petition for an entire Eighth Doctor spin-off series on TV or online, I can't see it happening. Steven Moffat must have anticipated the hugely positive reaction to TNOTD though, so perhaps he does have another Eighth up his sleeve, so to speak. A crossover with Peter Capaldi (now officially the Umpteenth Doctor until we get it all sorted out)?

I've never quite given up hope of Christopher Eccleston reappearing in Doctor Who, despite his implicit and explicit reluctance to do so, and I'm now even more wildly optimistic.
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Re: The Night of the Doctor

Post by Mashibinbin »

For me it was an incredibly enjoyable episode. If I don't enjoy tonight's episode tomorrow (as I'm performing myself tonight) then at least I can savour this. :)
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Re: The Night of the Doctor

Post by BBrooks »

Paul McGann's "One Night Only" status has finally been lifted and it was great to see him again. It was short, but Paul proved in those 6 minutes that he could be one of the best TV Doctor's if given a chance. Now that's he's officially canon after years of speculation, it would be silly of SM to not build on it. A couple of Eighth Doctor TV movies would be brilliant, not an entire season as that would interfere too much with Peter Capaldi's debut.
I've never quite given up hope of Christopher Eccleston reappearing in Doctor Who, despite his implicit and explicit reluctance to do so, and I'm now even more wildly optimistic.

Tom Baker famously turned down an appearance in "The Five Doctors" and distanced himself from DW for a number of years after he left. Chris seems to be doing the same, a fan-boy like Tennant will sign up immediately because he knows the Whovians want it, sadly Eccleston doesn't seem to be taking that into account. I'd love him to return, he's a very talented actor and probably one of the greatest to have taken on the role.
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Re: The Night of the Doctor

Post by HStorm »

Why - and indeed how - did the Seventh Doctor manage to change clothes during the battle with the Daleks?
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Re: The Night of the Doctor

Post by wombstar »

That link doesn't work.
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Re: The Night of the Doctor

Post by Melusina »

HStorm wrote:Why - and indeed how - did the Seventh Doctor manage to change clothes during the battle with the Daleks?
Yes, I noticed that. They've taken a clip from the 1987-89 series and followed it with a shot from the 1996 film. It was extremely obvious, and rather silly of them, I thought.
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Re: The Night of the Doctor

Post by HStorm »

Knightmare Audio Plays from The Dunshelm Players.
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Re: The Night of the Doctor

Post by wombstar »

Oh right I wonder what you were talking about. That whole sequences was poorly done and better best forgotten anyway, blink and you'll miss everything.

Their are more TARDIS in that sequence than doctors, which suggests each doc turned up several times from different time lines.. so there was in fact 2 maybe 3 7th docs present. More that came to the party the more energy/power to freeze the planet.

And for the record I didn't like the episode that much, too much filler. We all moaned at how short it was but in reality it ended up being too long.
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