Evil Scarecrow - Galactic Hunt

Enter the Knightmare - Evil Scarecrow

By David Goldstein

Evil Scarecrow's heavy metal homage to Knightmare - with added Hugo Myatt.

Enter the Knightmare was released as part of Evil Scarecrow's album Galactic Hunt in October 2014.


"Welcome brave dungeoneers

Many a peril lies beneath

Lord Fear has many spies

You'd better keep your wits about you

Choose your quest wisely

Don your helm and eyeshield

Be valiant, be true, step forward"

We'll don the Helm of Justice

Treguard points the way

Your destiny awaits for you, when you...

Enter the Knightmare

Where am I? In a room, with Granitas

Sidestep left

Take the bread, eat the key, grab the knife

Sidestep left

You're in a room, there's a bomb, quick run!

Sidestep left

Goblin horn, Lillith's scorn, Pickle cries


"Warning, team. Life force critical"

Enter the Knightmare

"Warning! Temporal disruption imminent"

"Ooh nasty"

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