A farm location used in Series 5 (1991).

The Barn / Farm

By Keith McDonald

The fifth season of Knightmare had a number of farmland areas, separate to the Greenwood.

As more settlements appeared within the dungeon, a number of farming areas appeared in Series 5.

One Level 1 setting was a garden with a well, where a team encountered Sylvester Hands.

An area of farmland, as seen in Series 5 of Knightmare (1991).

In the second level, several teams passed through a farm called Greenshades, complete with animals.

These scenarios are based on the renaissance Bayleaf Farmhouse at Weald and Downland Open Air Museum in West Sussex.

Timber barn

Knightmare also featured a large barn. This was used to host a marketplace in Series 5, with the unscrupulous Julius Scaramonger in residence.

A dark version appeared in Series 7, as the final team hunted the parts of a magic staff to return to Grimaldine the Wizard.

The timber barn, as seen in Series 5 of Knightmare (1991).

This is based on the Coggeshall Grange Barn in Essex, one of the oldest timber-framed buildings in Europe.

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Stone Courtyards

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