The Dice Room from Series 3 of Knightmare

Dice Room

By Keith McDonald

The opening room of the Series 3 dungeon was plain green and dominated by a giant dice that revealed the doorways.

The opening room of the Series 3 dungeon was a long green room with a table containing a dice.

When dungeoneers rolled the dice, a large CGI version was launched into the room. It bounced around the back corners before completing its spin in the centre.

As it slowed, the sides of the dice opened up to form three doorways.

Occasionally, a quest symbol would appear or flash above one of the exits. Otherwise, teams would be expected to follow the adventurer's code and follow the right-hand path.

The Dice Room is one of very few rooms where the outlines of the bluescreen void are entirely visible.

What to do and where to go? It seems the answer isn't immediately apparent. Perhaps a throw of the dice will help you decide.


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