Honesty Bartram, the Charm Seller. Played by Bill Cashmore.

Honesty Bartram

By Keith McDonald

'Honesty' Bartram was a slick-talking merchant who would bend his shallow loyalties for a bar of gold.

Honesty Bartram was a wheeler-dealer who ventured around the dungeon in Series 8.

He sometimes had a cart but always had a catchphrase.

Bartram's me name, bartering's me game.

Honesty Bartram

Knightmare Series 8 Team 3. Honesty Bartam has a shifty look around before offering Nathan a potion.

High stakes

Bartram was most often seen in Level 3, so the encounter was vital to a dungeoneer's success.

Almost everything he sold was useful, from spells and potions to a talking book that would conquer the fool-taker, Snapper-Jack.

Often, the challenge for teams wasn't working out what to buy from him - it was convincing him to take their least valuable item.

Knightmare Series 8 Team 2. Daniel meets the trader, Honesty Bartram.


Bartram was easy and engaging in conversation, which made him an entertaining character.

His traditional sign-off, 'Don't tell yer dad', suggests he always thought he was getting away with murder.

But Lord Fear doesn't have a lot of time for his pretensions, labelling him a 'grotty little scrap merchant'.

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