Mildread, the Crone. Played by Mary Miller.

Mildread, the Witch

By Keith McDonald

The devious witch, Mildread, enjoyed tricking dungeoneers and causing mischief. But her help could be vital to escaping Level 1.

Mildread was the quintessential witch - old, warty, and with a bubbling cauldron that brewed spells and other nasties. Most Series 2 teams met her in Level 1.

Interfering, dratted, devious Dungeon Master!


Knightmare Series 2 Team 9. Mildread peeks out at the dungeoneer.


Mildread enjoyed tricking dungeoneers through impersonation. She was a voice-changer and a shape-changer.

She could mimic advisors (using voice samples taken before filming) to try and guide the dungeoneer into her cauldron. She also appeared as Gretel and Treguard on separate occasions.

Mildread might also disguise her room as a harmless wellway room, until Treguard orders her to return it to its normal state.

Each new dungeoneer got a 5-10 minute practise session before game on. Sometimes when we knew imposters were to be used in the scenario, we sneakily recorded the dungeoneer and played him back into his own scene later. Sometimes we used one of the Goblins (very small dancers) in a spare helmet and roughly the same dress code.

Tim Child

Knightmare Series 2 Team 7. Neil is harrassed by Mildread the Witch.

Sometimes fair, sometimes foul

Once Mildread's fun was over, she wasn't overly unfair.

She often helped dungeoneers to reach Level 2 by turning her cauldron into the real wellway. When a dungeoneer helped Mildread avoid a flying accident on the cliff, she offers a spell.

Mildread also had time for Gretel the Maid, despite borrowing her form to deceive a dungeoneer in the kitchen.

Mildread was less severe than the sorceress, Lillith, but she has the option to manipulate the team rather than instantly ending their game.

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